What happened to the monkey dynasty? What killed all of them? ...Peanuts. In a remote African village, there once lived some farmers, most probably they were the first to do organized farming long before the colonial settlers thought of it. For some time this community enjoyed enormous success in farming, making enough food for themselves … Continue reading THESE PEANUTS WILL KILL YOU


On December 2010, Craig Ltd, moved heavy machinery to Beggatua Island to explore possibility of presence of precious stones. They had acquired a prime piece of land for exploration after a rumor went out that fish caught on the shores of Beggatua had some traces of a precious stone within their body. Though not backed … Continue reading THE RICHEST BEGGAR IN BEGGATUA

The Cat Wasn’t Sick…The people Were

Long before the advent of Veterinary medicine, Africans were wise enough to detect anthrax and other meat related infections. To date, some old wise fools who have rejected westernization and modernization use these primitive but workable means of meat assessment. One such traditionally scientifically proven way is to wait for the chief inspector housefly. When … Continue reading The Cat Wasn’t Sick…The people Were